To get a primer in MATLAB programming, download this tutorial-file
and the data-file (right click and save target as;
make sure you save it as .m-file). Put the two files into a directory of your choice on your hard disk.
Make sure that the current directory of matlab is set on the chosen directory for your files and then type 'matlab_tutorial'.
- Function that prints a given text many times on the screen Repeat.m
- Function that calculates the mean and the standard deviation of a matrix: MeanStandardDeviation.m
- Function that calculates the the root mean squared error between two vectors: rmse.m
Click here to download all functions at once.
- This code simulates a round of RussianRoulette
- This code simulates a type of lottery drawing random numbers: GambleGame
- This code simulates another type of lottery: Game2
Click here to download all games at once.
All Files
Click here to download all files at once.